How do we start the Genealogy Research?
Locate and collect data and documents that are in the family’s possession.
We will collect documents in the family’s possession: official documents, official certificates, lists, memoirs, diaries, memorial dates, dedications in books, souvenirs, pictures, medals, coins, artefacts, Judaica, and various other testimonies. We will decipher and investigate the findings to understand their origin, how they came into the family’s possession, in order to try to trace additional details that can expand and improve in the course of the genealogy research.

We will perform analysis of data and Genealogy documents
Documents in the possession of the service applicant and his family members. We will map and decipher the findings in the family’s possession and try to find data and clues in it that will help us build the existing picture of the family. This will be the starting point of the genealogy research.
We will find out details relevant to the Genealogy Research
We will organize the material from the family. We will examine the details and information we have deduced from the data available to the family, we will organize the material according to relevance and according to the importance of answering the research question defined for the genealogy research and the roots research.
We will examine the data to be used for the Genealogy Research
We will check whether the data in our possession helps to answer the research question, we will organize the data and documents according to affiliation, geographical location and according to the time point relevant to the document or image. We will organize the material to make it easier to use documents and photos later in the study.
We will conduct Genealogy Interviews with family members and other people
We will conduct various interviews with people who can add to the genealogy research. These can be family members but also neighbors, childhood friends, witnesses to joint events and more. The genealogy interviews will help to bring information to the promotion of genealogy research. From the testimony given in the interviews we will get a background of the period relevant to that interviewee. We will get to know, deepen and investigate the narrator and the event, period or story requested. We will record the interview on digital means to preserve for further genealogy research.
We will collect and connect all the Genealogy material
In doing so, we will formulate further research. We will review the interview material we conducted for the study. If necessary, we will transcribe the interview (or interviews) and find the relevant data to answer the research question. We will create a state of the art study that includes what we found through the family materials.
We will decide together how to proceed with the Genealogy Research
During the study and with the help of the data we have collected and analyzed so far we will examine with the service applicant which directions require deepening and which directions of the family study we will leave for other or later phase of the research. We will examine together the information we have collected so far and examine whether it has the potential to answer the research question. To the extent that it is necessary to expand in certain directions, we will determine what is needed for further genealogy research.