Genealogy Interviews

Conducting interviews with family members and other people related to the question of Genealogy Research
Interviews with people related to the research topic are an excellent source for getting details and understanding the events and happenings relevant to the period. Testimony from people who experienced the events or period can be an important source for root research.

Clarification and preparation of material for an interview with a family member

Familiar background, family background, guiding questions. We will conduct the interview in a suitable place and perform genealogy preparatory work to focus the interviewee on the question of root research. We will examine in advance the interviewee’s familiarity with the facts and prepare the interview questions in accordance with the researcher’s wish and the connection to the roots research.

GROSS Haim and Manku

Scheduling an interview meeting while explaining the need and purpose of the roots research

In order to conduct the interview in the best possible way, we will contact the interviewee and make a preliminary phone call (if possible). In this conversation we will clarify to the interviewee the question of Genealogy Research , the reasons for conducting the interview and we will ask to prepare as needed. The interviewee may have documents, photos, or other objects that may be related to the root research.

Conducting the interview and recording a video or audio for the Genealogy Research

We will conduct the interview in a location appropriate to the interviewee and record the interview. Recording can be according to the preference of the service applicant and the interviewee: video recording or audio recording only. Consider the fact that interviewees sometimes prefer not to be photographed or to appear in the video.

Going over the interview and producing the content relevant to the family roots research

At the end of the interview, we will thank the interviewee for his testimony and contribution and we will move on to the stage of processing the interview and publishing the relevant content for the Genealogy Research .
We will listen or watch the interview and formulate the details relevant to the study.

The transcript of the interview in the Genealogy Research and the editing of the transcript in digital media

If it is decided with the service applicant to transcribe the interview, we will perform a partial or full transcript of the interview. Regarding the research of the roots and the transcript, we will save it digitally and edit it as needed.

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