Define Research Topic

Definition of the topic of the Genealogy Research / Family Roots Research
What is the question to be answered by the Genealogy Research?

The first and most important step in the genealogy research is to define the research question or goal. This is the question we would like to answer in family research. Together with the applicant, we will define the purpose of the genealogy research. We will formulate the research question – what do we want to achieve by the genealogy research. What is the question or questions to be answered, what parts of a family branch should we explore and from what starting points can we start.

FODOR Herman and Eva

What is the scope of the Genealogy Research?

In accordance with the research question we will find out and determine, with the applicant, the scope of the genealogy research, the required root research. We will define the boundaries of root research, in what directions and how much time and resources the service seeker is willing to invest in the genealogy research.

What else is important for defining the Genealogy Research ?

We will determine the requirements from the genealogy research and the tools we will use in the research. Depending on the research question and the scope of investment we will examine the tools that can be used and check the suitability of additional tools. We will examine the feasibility of using different tools for the purposes of the genealogy or family research.

What are the products of the Genealogy Research ?

We will determine and decide together on the possible research products: a family tree, digitization of the material or a family book. At the end of this process, we will determine the structure and form of the product of the study with the service applicant. The product of the genealogy research can take various forms:
From a digital family tree to a family book inlaid with photos and documents, from a summary file of the data found to a detailed and organized computer library of all the material found and organized during the genealogy research.

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