Accompanying Genealogy Research

Accompanying Genealogy Research carried out by the applicant

The service requester will perform the Genealogy Research on his own and can be accompanied by the genealogy service to be advised per the process of the Genealogy Research. The construction of the family tree and the arrangement and organization of the material will be done by the requester.

Advice, support and assistance in developing roots research

The existing root research will form the basis from which it will be possible to advise and accompany the service applicant in the continuation of his family’s personal research. The genealogist will advise on the use of additional genealogy sources for family research as well as provide additional tools for expanding existing research.

Counseling and guidance in locating additional family members and linking them to the family tree

The genealogist advised the family researcher how to locate additional family members with various tools and how to link and add details about them for the Genealogy research.

Advice and guidance in locating additional sources of genealogy information and how to use it

The genealogist will check and advise on research tools and other sources of information to deepen the Genealogy Research. at this stage it will also be possible to advise additional areas of research that have not yet been reached in the existing study.

Advice and guidance in deciphering the information found so far

The family researcher – accompanied by the genealogist – will decipher the details of the study. The genealogist will examine and suggest additional ways and sources to deepen and expand the research.

Advice and guidance on how to organize the existing material

The genealogist will offer the family researcher different methods, ways and tools for arranging, organizing, displaying and backing up the family research. The genealogist will guide the family researcher on how to fulfill what is desired with the tools in the hands of the family researcher and other tools.